Saturday, July 13, 2013


The test Christ supplied to those who admitted his testimony - true discipleship and the freedom in Christ. So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, Jesus makes it clear that the true discipleship comes with the abiding in the His word. He is word who became flesh. The true disciple receives and continues in the word of his Master. It is just not only believing in Him but continuing in His. it is used in continuous tense. You believe in Christ as the Messiah - the Word from God but you have to continue living in His word. How can we we do that? We have to live Christ. When we live Christ, we will be abiding in His words. His Words are the truth and the Truth will set them free. Truth only can set the mind free from its bondage under ignorance and prejudice and evil habit. 

If the Light of the world shines into the dark places of the heart, the chains ere while misunderstood will not only become visible, but will be broken. This is the freedom in Christ. he will break all the bondage of the sin and sets us free. The piercing power of the word can do this work in the believer. If this is not happening in us we are useless believers. Christ is both the author, and preacher, and sum, and substance of it: and to continue in it, is having cordially received it, to abide by it, and hold it fast, and not to be moved from it, by the temptations of Satan; the cunning of those that lie in wait to deceive; nor by the revelings and persecutions, the frowns and flatteries of men: and when men continue thus steadfast in it, and faithful to it, it is an evidence that it has come with power, and has a place in their hearts, and that they are the disciples of Christ. This is living Christ. Without abiding in His word you cannot live Christ. When we abide in Christ we will have the mind of Christ. We cannot be carried away by the world or the Satan from the Love of Christ. This Word will bring forth sixty and hundred fold. Mat 13;8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

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